Tulpa Rebirth

The Tulpa War rages on, and in the ongoing dance of death, no one is safe.

The Olympians of Mars are immortal no more, falling one by one at the blood-soaked hands of the mysterious Reine Rouge. New champions arise on Earth and armies of Preta-haunted machines emerge like living nightmares to meet them.

The fires of revolution burn brightly as old allegiances are torn apart. Some fight for hate and vengeance while trampling over the ruins of the past. Others fight for love and redemption, striving for a future that might yet be.

Megan and Kitsune reunite amid the ashes. The final battle for life itself is about to begin.

Fans of the Gundam franchise, the Pacific Rim films, the Nier: Automata and Zone of the Enders video game series, or the Heavy Gear and Lancer RPG settings are cordially invited to the climactic conclusion of the Tulpa Trilogy.

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