Tulpa War

The rulers of the dying Earth have never lost a battle in their own territory – until now.

Megan and her friends rode their Tulpa war machines to an unprecedented victory. From the ashes of Norilsk, a revolutionary army now spreads across Eurasia, liberating thousands to join the fledgling Earth Restoration Alliance, each of them empowered by Tulpas of their own.

The Earth-bound loyalists of the Martian elite seem to be in full retreat – but they have a new champion, call sign Dove, with Tengu, a powerful new weapon given to him by Mara Shah, the beautiful and ruthless provisional leader of Earth. Dove is hunting and killing Tulpas and their riders with brutal efficiency.

The battle with Ravana was only a skirmish compared to what is coming. Megan and her small army have learned to fight, but now they must deal with shifting loyalties, secret goals, and a frighteningly effective propaganda war from Olympus Colony.

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